
Exercise - Forming Adjective

1. Choose the adjective from each of the following groups of words:
A.    inventive, invent, invented
B.     curiosity, curious, curiousive
C.     proliferate, prolific, proud

2. Form adjectives from the following nouns:
A.    smell
B.     chill
C.     width

3. Form adjectives from the following verbs:
A.    interested
B.     amazed
C.     annoyed

4. Form adjectives from the following verbs. Some words may be formed into more than one adjective:
A.    escape
B.     improve
C.     damage

5. Form longer adjectives from the following adjectives. Some words may be formed into more than one adjective:
A.    funny
B.     incorrect
C.     blue

6. Form adjectives from the following nouns:
A.    magic
B.     fool
C.     lady

7. Form two adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A.    life
B.     power
C.     friend

8. Form adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A.    cost
B.     war
C.     month

9. Form adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A.    poison
B.     courtesy
C.     mystery

10. Form adjectives from each of the following nouns:
A.    athlete
B.     photograph
C.     science

Answer                        :
1.       A – inventive               B – curious                            C – prolific
2.       A – smelly                    B – chilly                               C – wide
3.       A – interesting              B – amazing                          C – annoying
4.       A – escaped, escaping              B – improved, improving                  C – damaged, damaging
5.       A – funnier, funniest   B – incorrectly                                  C – bluest, bluer, blueish
6.       A – magical                  B – foolish                            C – ladylike
7.       A – lifelike, lifeless      B – powerful, powerless                   C – friendly, friendless
8.       A – costly                     B – warlike                            C – monthly
9.       A – poisonous                          B – courteous                                    C – mysterious
10.   A – athletic                  B – photographic                  C – scientific

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