
Notes - Comparing Adjective

As well as serving as adjusting words like beautiful and big, adjectives are also used for indicating the position on a scale of comparison. The lowest point on the scale is known as the outright shape the center point is known as the similar structure, and the highest point is known as the superlative structure. Here are a few example:

  1.   This book is longer than that book.
  2.   My exam mark is better than your.
  3.   My grandmother is older than your grandmother.
Here are the rules for choosing and forming the right form:
Forming and Exceptions
Words of two syllables not ending with ‘y
She is more beautiful than her sister.
·         Insert more before the adjective
Words of one syllable
The table in this class is smaller than other class.
·         Words ending with ‘e‘, add ‘r‘ to the end of the word (e.g., lame → lamer).
·         Words with one vowel and one consonant at the end, double the consonant and add –er to the end of the word (e.g., big → bigger).
Words with more than one vowel or more than one consonant at the end, add –er to the end of the word (e.g., hard → harder).
Three syllable words or longer
This is a more powerful cable.
Insert more before the adjective
Words of two syllables ending with ‘y
This doll is prettier.
Change ‘y‘ to ‘i‘, and add –er to the end of the word.

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